Title: Engine Misses on One Cylinder
Problem: A street rod owner says that the engine has developed a steady miss on one cylinder. The engine has 45,000 miles on it. The engine developed the miss suddenly. The spark plugs and wires have been checked and are all OK. What might be a good thing to check?
Solution: The key is that the engine has developed a steady miss and that it happened suddenly. A possible cause of this type of problem is a broken valve spring. To check which cylinder is missing, run the engine and carefully remove and replace each spark plug wire with the appropriate spark plug wire pliers. Note which cylinder shows no change in rpm. This cylinder is probably the one that has a broken valve spring. Remove the valve cover and check the condition of the valve springs shown in the photo to the left. Use tools designed to replace the valve spring without removing the cylinder head.
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Problem: A street rod owner says that the engine has developed a steady miss on one cylinder. The engine has 45,000 miles on it. The engine developed the miss suddenly. The spark plugs and wires have been checked and are all OK. What might be a good thing to check?
Solution: The key is that the engine has developed a steady miss and that it happened suddenly. A possible cause of this type of problem is a broken valve spring. To check which cylinder is missing, run the engine and carefully remove and replace each spark plug wire with the appropriate spark plug wire pliers. Note which cylinder shows no change in rpm. This cylinder is probably the one that has a broken valve spring. Remove the valve cover and check the condition of the valve springs shown in the photo to the left. Use tools designed to replace the valve spring without removing the cylinder head.
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