Title: Turn Signals Not Cancelling Correctly
Problem: After the steering column was installed the turn signals were not canceling correctly. Although the right turn signal cancelled, the left turn signal did not return or cancel on left turns.
Solution: On most steering column installations, there is a procedure to synchronize the steering column with the turn signal components. To do this, first make sure that the steering wheel is positioned for straight forward motion. To do this, jack-up the vehicle so that the front tires are free to turn left and right. After placing a set of jacks under the front suspension, find out how many turns it takes on the steering wheel to turn from one end of the rack and pinion gear box to the other. Let’s say it takes three turns to go from full left to full right. If the steering wheel turns one and one/half turns, the wheels should be very close to the middle or straight ahead.
At this point, remove the steering wheel and check the position of the post for the horn connector wire. The horn post holds the wire that goes to the horn button. See the arrow and the yellow wire in the photo above. This post moves as the steering wheel is turned, causing the turn signals to cancel after the turn is made to the left or right. Check with the manufacturer to see what the exact position of this horn post should be. In this particular case, the manufacture says the horn post should be at a position identified as 10:30. If it is in this position the cams should be at the correct position to cancel the turn signals correctly. After checking the position of the horn post, it was observed that it was positioned at 2:00 rather that at 10:30. After repositioning the horn post the turn signals cancellation process worked correctly.
Note that the hole used on the steering wheel hub to allow the yellow horn wire to go through is now in a different position (10:30 rather than 2:00). This means that the when the vehicle is going straight down the road, the steering wheel may not be positioned correctly. In this case, the steering wheel is held onto the steering wheel hub with nine small screws. Remove these screws and reposition the steering wheel to straight ahead making sure the wheels are also straight ahead.
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Problem: After the steering column was installed the turn signals were not canceling correctly. Although the right turn signal cancelled, the left turn signal did not return or cancel on left turns.
Solution: On most steering column installations, there is a procedure to synchronize the steering column with the turn signal components. To do this, first make sure that the steering wheel is positioned for straight forward motion. To do this, jack-up the vehicle so that the front tires are free to turn left and right. After placing a set of jacks under the front suspension, find out how many turns it takes on the steering wheel to turn from one end of the rack and pinion gear box to the other. Let’s say it takes three turns to go from full left to full right. If the steering wheel turns one and one/half turns, the wheels should be very close to the middle or straight ahead.
At this point, remove the steering wheel and check the position of the post for the horn connector wire. The horn post holds the wire that goes to the horn button. See the arrow and the yellow wire in the photo above. This post moves as the steering wheel is turned, causing the turn signals to cancel after the turn is made to the left or right. Check with the manufacturer to see what the exact position of this horn post should be. In this particular case, the manufacture says the horn post should be at a position identified as 10:30. If it is in this position the cams should be at the correct position to cancel the turn signals correctly. After checking the position of the horn post, it was observed that it was positioned at 2:00 rather that at 10:30. After repositioning the horn post the turn signals cancellation process worked correctly.
Note that the hole used on the steering wheel hub to allow the yellow horn wire to go through is now in a different position (10:30 rather than 2:00). This means that the when the vehicle is going straight down the road, the steering wheel may not be positioned correctly. In this case, the steering wheel is held onto the steering wheel hub with nine small screws. Remove these screws and reposition the steering wheel to straight ahead making sure the wheels are also straight ahead.
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